Title: Acrobat
Size: 210 cm. height
Materials: Several materials
Title: Child and "fija"
Size: 140 cm. height
Materials: Bronze, steel and concrete
Title: Man with dog
Size: 130 cm. height
Materials: Bronze and steel
Title: Busts
Size: Several
Materials: Several materials
Title: Acrobats
Size: 200 cm. height
Materials: Several materials
Title: Mother and child
Size: 200 cm. height
Materials: Several materials
Title: Meditation
Sculpture acquired by Charles, the Prince of Wales, in 1988. The sculpture was exhibited in the exhibition of artists and crafts association of Cornualles, U.K, before its acquisition.
Title: courtyard of my home
Size: 200 cm. height
Materials: Several materials
Title: Hand and sphere
Size: 150 cm. height
Materials: Bronze and steel
Title: Catalina
Size: 130 cm. height
Materials: Bronze, steel and stone