Title: Acoran 4
Materials: Bronze
Date: 2010-2015
Title: Derivatives of the sea 3
Materials: Several materials
Title: Acoran 5
Title: Derivatives of the air 1
Title: Derivatives of the air 4
Title: Derivatives of the air 6
Title: Derivatives of the air 8
Title: Acoran 8
Title: Derivatives of the sea 1
Title: Derivatives of the air 2
Title: Derivatives of the air 5
Title: Derivatives of the air 7
Title: Acoran 7
Title: Derivatives of the sea 2
Title: Patinete
Title: Derivatives of the land 1
Title: Derivatives of the air 3
Title: Derivatives of the land 2
Material: Several materials
Title: Acoran 6
Title: Derivatives of the air 9